Announcing the permanent downtime of Overwatch game servers

Blizzard has announced that players only have so much time to experience the first game of Overwatch.

Among the latest game news, we learned that Blizzard has announced the shutdown of Overwatch 1 game servers on October 2 (October 10). In an interview with Eurogamer media, Blizzard confirmed that this date will vary depending on the users’ geographic region. Therefore, the shutdown of servers in some regions can happen on October 1 or 3 October 4.

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Overwatch Chief Marketing Officer John Spector explained: “In fact, Overwatch 1 will only be available until October 2nd. After that, we will have a 27-hour break, which will be spent on setting up and running the servers.” Gamers will also be able to preload Overwatch 2 before the game’s release, and Blizzard will also release a “launch list” to prepare Overwatch 1 players for the second version.

After the release of Overwatch 2, a mandatory update for the first version will be released, and Overwatch 1 will be no more. During the BlizzCon 2019 event, Blizzard unveiled Overwatch 2 and announced that all decorations and player improvements from the original version will be transferred to the second version. The game offers more story and PvE (player versus environment) content along with all 31 previous heroes with an updated look.

Overwatch 2 game for Xbox One, Xbox Series X platforms Xbox Series S , PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 , PC and Nintendo Switch are in development.

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