Scrutiny of the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

In this article and video, we are going to examine the hidden and dark points of the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness . So stay tuned to trends.

The first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was first released as a scene after the second end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, and some time ago, Marvel officially released this trailer so that Marvel movie fans can witness the adventure. Next be Dr. Strange in the Multi Source storyline.

Marvel tried as much as possible not to reveal too much information about Doctor Strange 2, but this trailer contains many hints and references that many of them may not be visible at first glance. Now, in this video and article, we are going to review the most important points of the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness:

This article was updated on February 7 with the addition of a video

The rest of the article may reveal excerpts from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Are the events of Doctor Strange 2 the result of Dr. Strange’s actions in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

Are the events of Doctor Strange 2 the result of Dr. Strange’s actions in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

Is Dr. Strange in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness going to face the consequences of his work in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

First of all, I must say that this article is not going to reveal specific information about Spider-Man: No Way Home, and all the information available is based on the trailers of this movie, and it is not going to reveal a specific part of the story of this movie. At the beginning of the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we see the exchange of Dr. Strange’s dialogues with Wang in Spider-Man: No Way Home, in which Wang warns Strange not to read the spell and describes it as very dangerous. But we know that Strange read this spell to witness the problems of Spider-Man 3. Strange goes on to say that they have interfered with the stability of time and space (which probably involves more people than himself) and that they know terribly nothing about multiverse.

According to the first theory, Strange in Spider-Man 3 is not supposed to be without consequences for Dr. Strange, and now Strange is supposed to see the consequences in Doctor Strange 2, but another group believes that Strange initially does what the film causes You can face new problems and now you have to face evil variables and multipurpose problems. Of course, we will talk about this decision later, but in the continuation of this scene, we see the role of Strange’s face on a broken watch, and apparently Carl Murdo is telling Strange that his disrespect to the real world is not going to go unanswered, and this shows After the events of Doctor Strange, Carl Murdo is finally going to face Strange.

Is the story of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness related to the What If animation?

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in its first trailer bears similarities to the fourth part of the What If animation

In the continuation of the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we saw images that we had previously seen in a relatively similar version in the fourth part of the What If animation. Of course, it is not clear where Strange is and whether he is trapped in MultiWorce or horrible things are happening in the main world, but we see more images throughout the trailer that show the terrifying and relatively scary atmosphere of the film, and this trailer is actually Gives the viewer a better view of the film’s world of events. But the main point is that the events of What If happened in another world, and even Strange at that time still had the stone of time, but there are still similarities.

We talked about Strange’s decision and work earlier, and now we see the Christine Palmer wedding show during the trailer. According to leaked theories and information, Kristin Palmer is marrying someone else and Strange has only gone to Kristin’s wedding and in fact she is not going to marry him. But according to this information, the wedding is not going to go according to plan and an accident will cause the death of the main Christine Palmer, which can be a big shock for Strange. Of course, it should be added that this issue has not been confirmed yet and is just a rumor. Now Dr. Strange no longer has the time stone and he can not change this, and even in part of the trailer we can see that apparently Strange is looking for the time stone that no longer exists.

Some now believe that Christine’s death may cause Strange to try to bring her back in other ways. This is exactly what happened and we saw in the fourth part of the What If animation, but there Strange still had the stone of time and here the situation is different. What is clear, of course, is that some believe that Christine Palmer’s death was the result of Strange’s work in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and it remains to be seen how true this is.

Of course, during the trailer, we see the presence of Christine Palmer with Rachel McAdams, with a different appearance, who, according to fans, is probably a variable of Christine Palmer, and maybe we will finally see Clea in Marvel’s cinematic world. Of course, Clea has many differences in the comic world, especially in appearance, but it remains to be seen how true this theory is. In fact, the story of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, although it will continue in Spider-Man 3 and the Vandavision series, but Marvel has decided to keep the story of the film as independent as possible so that fans do not have to watch a movie or series before watching the movie. They watch a certain thing and it has a completely independent story in general, and it is not strange to be on the side of one of Marvel’s longest films.

Some now believe that Christine’s death may cause Strange to try to bring her back in other ways. This is exactly what happened and we saw in the fourth part of the What If animation, but there Strange still had the stone of time and here the situation is different. What is clear, of course, is that some believe that Christine Palmer’s death was the result of Strange’s work in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and it remains to be seen how true this is.

Of course, during the trailer, we see the presence of Christine Palmer with Rachel McAdams, with a different appearance, who, according to fans, is probably a variable of Christine Palmer, and maybe we will finally see Clea in Marvel’s cinematic world. Of course, Clea has many differences in the comic world, especially in appearance, but it remains to be seen how true this theory is. In fact, the story of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, although it will continue in Spider-Man 3 and the Vandavision series, but Marvel has decided to keep the story of the film as independent as possible so that fans do not have to watch a movie or series before watching the movie. They watch a certain thing and it has a completely independent story in general, and it is not strange to be on the side of one of Marvel’s longest films.

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Now here are two theories. The first theory is that this version of Wanda is its evil variable, and this is why Strange asked for help so that Wanda would face her own evil variable. Another theory is that Scarlett Witch may decide to use multiverse to reach her children again and save them, so she will choose the dark path. Of course, she may not have pursued such a goal at first, but some believe that Wanda may have been waiting for Strange as well. But we said that this scene is similar to the story-leaked images of Dr. Strange 2.

If you’ve been following the movie news, you probably remember the two story-boosting images in which Wanda is fighting Professor X. Now in this trailer, Wanda is wearing the same white dress as the image to reinforce the rumors of the presence of Professor X and the Illuminati. Even if you look at Wanda again, there’s a TVA door in Loki that we might finally see a direct connection between the two, and maybe Loki in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Of course, this is just a theory and not definitive.

Is the Illuminati in Doctor Strange 2?

The Illuminati is said to have five possible members in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The Illuminati is a secret society made up of Marvel superheroes who secretly fight evil individuals and groups that we obviously do not want to see similar members in the Marvel movie world. According to rumors, the Illuminati group in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness consists of 5 possible members, which due to the existence of multiverse, each character from a specific series is supposed to be in Dr. Strange 2. According to rumors, the members of this group are supposed to consist of Professor X, played by Patrick Stewart from the original X-Men trilogy, Magneto, played by Michael Fassbender, from the X-Men prequel, and Mr. Wonder, played by Evan Griffith, from the two original Fantastic Four films. To be.

Of course, this has not been officially confirmed yet, and rumors such as the presence of Black Bolt starring Enson Mont from the series Inhumans are heard, or some even say that Deadpool may also appear in the movie starring Ryan Reynolds, which can not be taken very seriously at this time. . However, in general, the members of this group are more than the leaders of the various Marvel groups, and this can make the presence of Black Bolt logical. However, some sources close to Marvel and the film have confirmed the presence of the Illuminati group, but at the moment, the official source has not officially announced this issue, and of course, Marvel may not confirm or deny the group’s presence until the film is released.

But during the trailer, we also see the presence of the American character Chvez, who is the newest character in the Marvel movie world. Of course, during the trailer, we only see the presence of this character along with Strange and Christine and a few other short scenes, and not much information about this character is shared during the film trailer, but we know that he is supposed to have a colorful presence in the film’s events. . Also in some parts of the trailer, we can see the multiverse, the new powers and abilities of Strange and the fascinating world of the movie, and the new abilities of Strange, besides being attractive, may also cause concern among the fans. Also in a particular scene we see Dr. Strange fighting an octopus-like creature, which is probably Shuma-Gorath or Gargantos.

Interestingly, in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness commercials, we saw the presence of both Shuma Gorath and Gargantus, so we do not know exactly which characters are in the film. Of course, new film-related products seem to indicate the existence of a combination of the two in the film. In any case, the octopus-like creature throws a bus at Strange, and Strange splits the bus in half, which has an interesting reference to Avengers: Infinity War and the character Ebony Maw, who did a similar job in New York. He did, and now it looks like Strange is going to do it again.

From the presence of the evil version of Dr. Strange to the presence of more variables and characters

At the end of the first trailer of Doctor Strange 2, we see Dr. Strange meet with his evil version

But the first trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ends in a very controversial way. At the end of the trailer, Carl Murdo tells Strange that Dr. Strange himself is the biggest threat to our world, and we see the arrival of the evil and dark version of Dr. Strange. It’s still not clear if this string is the same as the great What If animation, or if we’re on the side of a completely evil version. Of course, it is to be expected that this version of Strange is different from the animated version, and at least in appearance it does not look very similar to the high-end version of Strange. In any case, the evil version of Strange tells the original version that he has lost control of everything, we do not know exactly what he means.

On the other hand, the place where these two characters are present is also very mysterious, which is not unlike Kang’s place in the Loki series. But the presence of Dr. Strange variables should not come as much of a surprise; Because except for the evil version of Dr. Strange, if you pay a little attention in the middle of the trailer, you can see the presence of the Defender Strange version, whose presence had already been revealed with products related to Dr. Strange 2 and a video. The Hollywood Reporter also recently reported that Marvel Studios, after the positive reactions to Loki and Spider-Man: No Way Home, decided to make the multiplayer more entertaining and appealing in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, thus part of the film’s extensive re-shooting. It also seems to be because of this.

The Hollywood Reporter says that we have to wait for the honorary presence of several unexpected characters, as well as the introduction of a new version of some of the characters or the introduction of new characters throughout the film. Of course, if the Illuminati group theory is correct, we at least know what part of it’s going to be, but the presence of more string variables like Loki can be exciting for fans. But what is clear is that we are on the side of a very large film, and the first trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has shown us only a very small part of this film. Many believe that Marvel Studios may not show much of the film to fans until it is released. Thus, we may not know which rumors are true and which are false until the film is released.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled for release on May 6, 2022 (May 6, 1401).

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