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We have heard and heard many times about the benefits and positive aspects of walking, but an important question remains unanswered; The best time to walk. When is walking more beneficial? When is the best time to walk for weight loss and fat burning ? Join us to fully resolve these ambiguities.

Is morning the best time to walk?

Morning exercise helps the muscles of the body be more prepared to burn sugar and fat during the day, so it is known as the best time to walk for weight loss and fat burning. According to research, people can burn 20% of their body fat by eating exercise in the morning before breakfast, but only if they want to eat it after breakfast. Of course, burning fat is not the only benefit of walking in the morning, and it can also help lower blood pressure , especially for the elderly and those who are overweight.

After all, a morning walk makes you feel good. So early morning is the best time to walk. Starting the day with a healthy activity makes it easier to maintain healthy habits throughout the day. In addition, you will be relieved about daily exercise.

Benefits of morning walking

  • A brisk 45-minute morning walk reduces appetite throughout the day.
  • Exercise at 7 in the morning helps us to change our body clock more easily. That way we have more energy in the morning and go to bed earlier at night.
  • Morning walks help reduce stress , clear negative thoughts, and improve productivity throughout the day.
  • In the morning, the amount of air pollution is less.

Disadvantages of morning walking

  • The best time to walk for weight loss is before noon or night. Usually the second half of the day burns more calories.
  • In the morning the body temperature is lower and the muscles are firmer. This gives us less energy and motivation to exercise.

Is noon the best time to walk?

Walking before lunch prevents overeating. Research has shown that exercise after hard mental work, such as writing a difficult report or attending important meetings, makes people less inclined to eat high-calorie foods and want to eat healthier foods.

In today’s workplace, there is less mobility and more mental activity. That’s why lunch at noon can be the best time to walk, because the lactate and glucose produced by exercise provide the brain with energy , just like eating a snack .

A short walk or brisk walk quickly removes the body from immobility and helps to heal injuries caused by hours of monogamy. In addition, this simple walk, if it is regular and regular, has a great impact on a person’s fitness .

According to research, people’s decision-making power after exercise is greatly enhanced. In addition, it increases the power of creative problem solving and reduces the stress of a busy morning. That’s why we suggest you do not forget to walk at noon to lose weight.

Is night the best time to walk?

If you have digestive problems, night is the best time to walk, especially after dinner. A study on the benefits of walking at night shows that 15 minutes of walking at night after a meal speeds up digestion. In addition, the best time to walk is to reduce the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux .

Sometimes just a few minutes of exercise provides enough time to realize that we do not want dessert and to go for lighter and healthier snacks. New and valid studies show that night exercise greatly reduces the feeling of hunger and prepares the body for rest.

Walking at the beginning of the day provides the energy needed for the whole day, while walking at night lowers cortisol to relieve stress to prepare for a night’s rest. After all, walking with your partner, children or friends is the best opportunity to follow the day’s events, talk about upcoming events and spend time away from mobile and TV.

Benefits of walking at night

  • The amount of calories burned at night walking is more than morning exercise.
  • According to research, night walking regulates blood sugar.
  • Walking after dinner is one of the best ways to speed up digestion.
  • Walking at night removes all worries and stresses of the day from the body and clears the mind.
  • Contrary to popular belief , late night exercise does not interfere with nighttime sleep, but rather relieves daytime tensions and provides more enjoyable sleeping and resting conditions. Of course, as long as you do not go to bed immediately after exercise and give your body a chance to relax a bit.

Disadvantages of walking at night

  • A night walk is not as safe as a morning walk.
  • Air pollution usually reaches its maximum at night, and inhaling toxic pollutants during exercise can adversely affect cardiovascular health.
  • Fatigue during the day often makes it difficult for people to walk at night.

The best time to walk based on research

According to a credible study, a 20-minute walk after dinner can prevent postprandial high blood glucose and improve cardiometabolic disease markers. This means that night is not only the best time to walk to lose weight, but it can also help with better digestion , heart health, blood sugar regulation and blood pressure.

According to the study, people with gastroesophageal reflux disease who walked after a meal instead of resting were less likely to experience symptoms such as heartburn. This study showed researchers that many chronic diseases and the function of basic organs such as the liver can be improved by walking.

Before reading this article, did you think that the best time to walk for slimming belly is early in the morning? We suggest you try walking after dinner to experience a healthier life .

The best time to walk for weight loss

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness, especially for those who can not walk or work out. These people can look at walking as the best way to maintain fitness and health of body and soul. Recent research shows that walking after a meal has more health benefits. In fact, the evidence suggests that a 10-minute walk after a meal is more beneficial than a 30-minute walk at other times of the day.

Of course, walking at any time of the day is great for physical and mental health, but if it is after a meal, it will greatly help in weight loss and diabetes management. Even those who are in good health are advised to avoid future sedentary complications by walking daily.

Minimum amount of daily exercise for weight loss

In addition to choosing the best walking time for weight loss, there are various rules and recommendations about the amount and type of daily exercise . Walking at a moderate pace for 21 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes and promotes bone health and weight loss.

We humans burn a certain amount of calories during the day. The higher the amount, the higher the percentage of fat burning and weight loss. Now how to increase the amount of calories burned? One of the best ways to do that is through exercise. Walking increases the total number of calories a person burns during the day, thus leading to more weight loss.

Regular exercise also regulates blood sugar. Research shows that 10 minutes of walking after each meal lowers blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.

last word

Walking at any hour of the day has its benefits, but the best time to walk is the hour you stick to every day. If you are not into waking up early in the morning and exercising, adjust to the time your mind or body prefers to enjoy the benefits of walking at night or at noon.

What time of day is the best time for you to walk? From which result did you draw? We are waiting to hear your comments, dear ones.