why does scruffing a cat paralyze them ?

Unfortunately, this disease and the problem of cats in the early stages have no external symptoms. In fact, by listening to the cat’s heartbeat, the veterinarian can detect that something is not working properly and diagnose the cat’s disease and cause with further tests.

Introducing the most common cat diseases + symptoms, prevention and treatment

Surely no cat owner wants his beloved cat to get sick; However, the disease can occur at any age and stage of life for cats, and we need to know and be prepared for it. Cat disease can make us very worried and preoccupied. Knowing the signs and symptoms of various cat diseases, ways to prevent and treat cat disease will help us take better care of our little friends.

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In this article, we want to talk about the common diseases of cats and tell you what problems may threaten the health of these cute little ones. In order to get a better view of the anatomy and diseases of cats, we will introduce you to all the health problems of cats based on the classification of the type of disease. By knowing these diseases, the types of symptoms of cat ,disease, as well as ways to prevent it, you can greatly prevent your dear cat from getting sick. Follow us to talk more about this.

Infectious diseases in cats

There are many bacteria and viruses living around us, but fortunately most of them can not make cats sick. But there are some pathogenic microorganisms that can cause a variety of infectious diseases in cats.

Infectious FIV or AIDS in cats, leukemia or FeLV, respiratory infections such as calcivirus and herpes virus, feline penicopenia and infectious peritonitis or FIP are some of the most important and dangerous infectious diseases in cats.

Getting vaccinated on time, staying healthy and eating right are some of the factors that can help prevent these diseases in cats. In the article on cat infectious diseases, you can learn more about the types of these diseases and their symptoms and treatment methods.

Caliciviridae disease

Another type of feline infectious disease is calcivirus, which affects cats’s respiratory system the most, and usually affects cats that are not vaccinated and live in large groups (such as animal shelters).

Symptoms of Caliciviridae disease

  • Anorexia
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Eye and nose discharge
  • Lung infections
  • Difficulty breathing due to lung infection
  • Wounds under the tongue, tip of the nose, lips, around the toes and…
  • Difficulty walking
  • the pain
  • Fever
  • Bleeding from different parts of the body
  • Treatment of feline cat disease

In the early stages of the disease, cats are given antibiotics that do not affect other parts of the body.

If the cat’s disease has reached an advanced stage, your cat will be hospitalized to be monitored and, if needed, oxygen will be added to make it easier to breathe.

If you need more information and details about Caliciviridae , ways of infecting cats, symptoms of Caliciviridae in cats and the possibility of transmission to humans, ‌ you can visit here and read more about: Complete guide to Caliciviridae in Cats

Infectious feline disease or feline peritonitis

Infectious cat peritonitis (FIP) is a deadly viral disease and one of the most dangerous types of feline disease. Most cats have the virus in their bodies, but they get into trouble when the virus mutates and causes one of the most dangerous cat diseases. Cats that live in large groups (such as shelters) are more prone to the disease.

There are two types of peritonitis, dry and wet. The sour type causes dehydration of the internal organs of the body and its lethality is higher than the dry type. In the dry type, inflammatory lesions cover the entire body of the cat, such as the eyes, liver, kidneys, and so on. The sour type can last for several months, but eventually causes the cat to die.

Symptoms of FIP in cats

  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • frailty
  • Body temperature fluctuations
  • Treatment of cat disease with FIP

Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for this disease. Drainage of fluid that has accumulated in the abdominal cavity may be a temporary option.

Penelocopenia is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease. The viruses attack white blood cells, intestinal cells, bone marrow and cat skin, making the body vulnerable to other infectious and bacterial diseases. The good news is that cats that get the disease once and for all get healthy will become resistant to it.

Symptoms of viral disease of penlocopenia

  • Diarrhea or dysentery
  • Vomit
  • dehydration
  • Weight Loss
  • High fever
  • Anemia
  • Hair tightening
  • Treatment of the disease and the problem of cats with penocopenia

Cats with penicopenia need to be hospitalized. Maintaining the body water of these cats is very important. This is why they are usually given serums, which include anti-nausea drugs, B vitamins and antibiotics.

Urinary tract diseases in cats

Cats may urinate outside their toilets due to stress, lack of soil odor, or improper soil container. But if your cat urinates out of the dirt container and tries to urinate or has pain and discomfort, you may have a urinary problem and need to take it to the vet; In more severe cases, blood may even be seen in the urine.

Lower urinary tract disease in cats

Cat Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common urinary tract problems in these animals and unfortunately causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the cat. The disease is caused by a bacterium entering a cat’s bladder and causing an infection. In this case, the cat should go to a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible; Because if the disease and infection progress, it can cause bladder stones, blockage of the urinary tract and even death of the cat.

For the treatment of cat urinary tract disease, Royal Canine has a product called urinary food, which is very effective and valid. You can buy this food from pet shops, but due to rising prices, it may not be economical to prepare this food. For this reason, Pet Press veterinarians will help you prepare urinary at home in the article “Preparing urinary food for cats”.

This cat disease can occur at any age, but middle-aged cats who are slightly obese and have little physical activity are more prone to it. Obesity in cats has many complications and urinary tract problems are one of them. We talked about this in detail in the article on the cause of obesity in cats.

Symptoms of a cat with lower urinary tract disease

If your cat has any of the following symptoms, you should see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

  • He hits the dirt container in a row.
  • You saw blood in his urine.
  • Has pain when urinating or has difficulty urinating.
  • He likes to urinate out of his dirt container.
  • She urinates abnormally and excessively after urinating.
  • Behavioral changes such as occasional bullying, backwardness, immobility, or hypersensitivity.

Kidney disease in cats

Another of the most common cat diseases is kidney problems. As you know, the job of the kidneys in the body is to remove toxins from the blood to be excreted in the urine. When a kidney problem occurs, these toxins are released into the bloodstream and can cause serious problems and even the death of our beautiful cat. Aging, trauma or accident, eating toxins and a variety of infections can cause kidney disease in cats.

Chronic kidney disease, acute kidney failure, and consequent kidney failure are among the most dangerous kidney problems that threaten a cat’s health. Treatment of kidney disease is very difficult and time consuming and sometimes cats have to live with this disease for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, many of these problems can be easily prevented with proper awareness and care of the cat. In the article Kidney Diseases in Cats, we talked about the types of kidney problems, their causes and ways to prevent them.

The symptoms of chronic kidney disease in cats are not serious at all until the kidney loses more than half of its function. That’s why you should take your cat’s checkups seriously.

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease in cats

  • Excessive thirst and increased cat urine volume (drinking and urination)
  • Severe weight loss
  • Cat hair loss
  • Laziness and weakness
  • Anorexia
  • Treatment of chronic kidney disease

Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease is incurable. But with proper care and attention, you can slow the progression of the cat’s disease and problems and extend the cat’s lifespan.

A cat with chronic kidney disease should receive food for cats with kidney problems. If your cat has a kidney problem, it is better to prepare renal food for him or make it at home.
There are special medications to compensate for the potassium deficiency and increase the cat’s appetite that can improve the condition.
If your cat’s body is dehydrated, ask your veterinarian to teach you how to inject subcutaneous serum.
Regular visits to the veterinarian will help identify new problems that are in the early stages and begin the process of treating the cat’s disease. So in your plans, consider a special place to see a veterinarian.

Types of heart disease in cats

Heart disease is one of the problems that usually has no specific symptoms in the early stages and only the symptoms of the disease become apparent when the disease is greatly advanced. However, by taking care of your cat and your regular veterinarian, you can spot the problem sooner and treat it.

Anorexia, lethargy and weakness, difficulty breathing, loud breathing and intolerance to strenuous physical activity, poor heart rate and fainting are some of the symptoms that can be caused by heart disease in cats.

HCM or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of the most common heart problems in domestic cats, which causes the walls of the heart to thicken and impair heart function. This disease is a type of cat heart disease that causes the cat to die suddenly or become paralyzed and is so dangerous that it is also known as “silent death”.

In fact, a heart that does not do its job properly is more likely to have a blood clot. This stray blood clot can mark the arteries of the heart itself, causing a heart attack or getting stuck in one of the body’s main arteries, paralyzing the cat.

This heart disease, especially among Persian cats, is one of the most common types of diseases and problems of cats because there is a genetic disease in this Persian cat. So if you have a Persian cat, pay special attention to this part of the article.

Symptoms of feline HCM heart disease

Unfortunately, this disease and the problem of cats in the early stages have no external symptoms. In fact, by listening to the cat’s heartbeat, the veterinarian can detect that something is wrong and diagnose the cat’s disease and cause with further tests. Many of the following symptoms can be prevented if the disease is diagnosed early. So like all the diseases we have described, the key is to take your cat’s checks seriously.

Treatment of the disease and problem of cats with HCM

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease, and the changes that occur to a cat’s heart are permanent; But to control the symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life of the cat, depending on the progression of the disease and the response of the body, drugs are prescribed. Remember to see a veterinarian and monitor the condition of the disease should be done consecutively.

  • Take medication to increase the resting time of the heart
  • Take medicine to reduce the chance of blood clotting
  • Taking medicine to lubricate blood flow

Skin diseases in cats

The skin is the protective layer of the cat’s body and protects the cat against the entry of various infections and diseases. But the skin itself can be affected by a variety of reasons and diseases called cat skin disease. Cat stress, environmental pollution, excessive dry skin and a variety of viral, parasitic and infectious diseases can cause skin diseases in cats.

Cat skin fungus is one of the most common skin diseases and problems in cats, which is caused by an external parasite and is highly contagious. In addition, acne, fleas and ticks can cause many skin problems for cats. But what are the symptoms of these diseases and how can we prevent our cats from getting skin diseases? In the article on cat skin diseases, we talked about all these cases in detail and gave you very useful information about it.

  1. Cat parasitic diseases
    Parasites are very small living organisms that live on or inside a cat’s body and cause various diseases by feeding on the cat’s body. Parasites are generally divided into two categories: internal parasites and external parasites, and each group causes different diseases and problems for cats.

Internal parasites
These parasites live inside the cat’s body and in organs such as the cat’s intestines, stomach, lungs and even the cat’s heart. Some of the internal parasites are:

Roundworm (intestinal worms)
Tape cream
Hot hooked
Heart cream
External parasites
External parasites live on cat skin and hair and can be seen and recognized much sooner. Some of the most common internal parasitic diseases of cats are:

Each of these parasites has different signs and symptoms, and the veterinarian diagnoses the disease and treats it according to different signs and tests. Diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, weakness and lethargy, and itching are the most common symptoms of the parasite in cats. In the article Parasitic diseases of cats, we talked about the types of parasites, their symptoms and ways of transmission and prevention, and we recommend that you read it.

Gastrointestinal diseases in cats

Gastrointestinal problems are also one of the most common types of cat disease and can be expressed for many reasons. Sometimes the cause of digestive problems is swallowing a lot of hair and the formation of hair follicles, and sometimes eating bad food or one of the forbidden and harmful foods for cats can cause digestive problems.

Symptoms of indigestion in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain. Of course, in more severe cases, other symptoms such as blood in the stool may also be seen.

Choosing the right quality food is one of the most important factors in preventing gastrointestinal diseases in cats. Of course, in addition to food, some parasites, bacteria and viruses can also cause cat disease, about which you need to know enough.

In the article Gastrointestinal diseases of cats, we have fully talked about the types of gastrointestinal problems, its causes and ways to treat and prevent cat problems, and we suggest you to study it.

  1. Cat’s eye diseases
    The eye is one of the most sensitive organs of a cat, and if the environment and other factors are contaminated, it can become infected and diseased.

Any cat at any age can have eye problems; But kittens are usually more prone to eye problems and infections because of their weakened immune systems.

Kittens are born with their eyes closed and their eyes gradually open at 2 weeks of age. This stage is very sensitive and the slightest contamination can cause infection and severe eye problems for the kitten and even cause him to become blind. Cleaning the kittens’ eyes and observing environmental hygiene can greatly prevent this cat problem.

Of course, other factors such as allergies and dust and diseases such as calcivirus, herpes virus and… can also cause problems and infections in cats’s eyes. If you want to know more about the types of eye diseases, symptoms and ways to treat and prevent them, read the article Cat’s eye diseases.

How can I prevent my cat from getting sick?

Surely no cat owner likes to get sick and sick, my dear and furry friend. As we have seen in this article, cat diseases can be expressed due to many factors and viral, bacterial, hereditary and environmental factors can cause cat problems. Some of these diseases are due to aging and issues that are beyond our control.

Common diseases of cats and humans; Which disease can be transmitted to humans?

It is true that when our cat gets sick, our main concern is the health of the cat; However, part of the concern of every cat owner is whether this disease can be transmitted to me ?! Fortunately, many dangerous diseases of cats are not dangerous to humans; But there are also some cat health problems that can be transmitted to humans.
Cutaneous fungus, toxoplasmosis, fleas and ticks in cats are among the diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Fortunately, these diseases can be easily prevented by following simple health tips. In the article Common diseases of cats and humans, you can find useful information about these diseases, how they are transmitted and ways to prevent them, and your concerns about this can be resolved.