11 foods that work miracles to increase height

Height depends largely on genetics, but in childhood and adolescence it is essential to get enough nutrients to ensure proper growth and development. It is not possible to increase height in adulthood when the body stops growing. However, some foods can help you maintain your height by keeping your bones and joints healthy. With age, bone density gradually decreases, and for this reason, after the age of 40, height begins to shorten.

During childhood and adolescence, protein plays an important role in the growth of the body and at the same time repairs tissue and improves the function of the immune system. Other micronutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus also play a role in maintaining healthy bones and are very important for growth. Research shows that probiotics, beneficial bacteria often found in fermented foods, can help children grow.

In this article, we will introduce 11 healthy foods that are effective in increasing height or maintaining height. Then we will talk about other factors that may play a role in the growth of the body. Stay with us.

The role of food in height increase

During the period of growth and until the end of puberty, the bones continue to grow. Bones have growth plates called epiphyses that fuse at the end of puberty, stopping growth. The most important factors that affect people’s height are listed below.

  • Genetics; Genes largely determine a person’s height. According to research, genetics play a role in about 80% of people’s height.
  • Gender; Women usually stop growing by the end of puberty and men reach their final height at the age of 18.
  • Hormones; The body produces hormones that can affect height.

When a person reaches the age of puberty, he does not grow taller. However, during childhood and adolescence, environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and illness can play a role in increasing a person’s height. A balanced diet plays an essential role in children’s development. Evidence shows that nutrition is the most important factor in lifestyle that affects height. If you want your children to be taller or to prevent their short stature in adulthood, include the following foods in your diet.


Beans are an extremely nutritious and protein-rich food. Protein increases insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), an important hormone that regulates children’s growth. Beans are rich in iron and B vitamins and prevent anemia, which is characterized by a lack of red blood cells.

Adequate iron intake is essential for the growth of body tissues. Iron deficiency anemia can cause growth retardation in children. In addition to protein, B vitamins, and iron, several other nutrients such as fiber, copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc are found in beans.


Chicken is rich in protein and a range of essential nutrients. There is a lot of vitamin B12 in this food, which is very important to get as a water-soluble vitamin to increase or maintain height.

Chicken is rich in the amino acid taurine, which is involved in bone formation and growth. In addition, it is high in protein, with about 20 grams of protein per 85 grams. Other nutrients in chicken include niacin (vitamin B3), selenium, phosphorus and vitamin B6.


Almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals needed to increase height. In addition it contains healthy fats, fiber, manganese, magnesium and vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties, the deficiency of which causes stunted growth in children. One ounce (28 grams) of roasted almonds contains 6.8 milligrams of vitamin E, which provides 45% of the daily requirement of this vitamin.

Almonds help improve bone health. In a small study of 14 participants, almonds were found to prevent the formation of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone tissue). You can include raw almonds, roasted or almond butter in your and your child’s diet.

Leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach and kale are extremely nutritious. Although the amount of nutrients in different vegetables varies, leafy vegetables can be a source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. These foods are rich in vitamin K. This fat-soluble vitamin helps increase and maintain height by improving bone density. A study of 103 women found that regular consumption of vegetables prevented a reduction in bone mass.


Yogurt is a good source of several nutrients, including protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, all of which are essential for growth and height. Greek yogurt is one of the best sources of protein and there are about 20 grams of protein in every 200 grams.

Probiotics are found in some types of yogurt. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help keep your gut healthy. Some research has shown that probiotics, in addition to improving immune function and reducing inflammation, also help children grow taller.

sweet potato

The carotenoids in yellow and orange vegetables improve bone health. The body converts carotenoids to vitamin A. Sweet potatoes have a role in maintaining bone health due to their vitamin A content and help increase or maintain height.

This nutrient contains soluble and insoluble fiber and has a positive effect on gastrointestinal health and the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. The presence of these bacteria increases the absorption of nutrients and thus helps to provide the vitamins and minerals needed for growth and development. Sweet potatoes also contain other nutrients such as vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6 and potassium, all of which are effective in increasing height.


Quinoa is a highly nutritious grain that can be substituted for other grains in the diet. Quinoa is one of the few plant foods that is considered a complete protein. In other words, it contains all the 9 essential amino acids that your body needs.

Quinoa is a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is an essential component of bone tissue and can increase bone mineral density. Quinoa is also high in manganese, folate (vitamin B9) and phosphorus, all of which are important for bone health.


Eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can include in your diet to increase your height. Eggs are rich in protein. In a large egg, 6 grams of protein is found.

This nutrient contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and height increase, among which we can mention vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folate. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption to help maintain healthy bones. Research shows that a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate has a negative effect on children’s development.

A small study showed that giving vitamin D supplementation to children with vitamin D deficiency would increase growth rate over a six-month period. In another study of 874 children, regular egg consumption was associated with increased height.

Berries such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are all rich in important nutrients such as fiber, vitamin K and manganese. These high-quality fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which helps cell growth and tissue repair.

Vitamin C increases the synthesis of collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the body. Studies show that collagen can increase bone density and improve bone health, thereby helping to increase or maintain height.

Berries prevent osteopenia. In patients with this disease, the bones become weak and brittle due to a decrease in bone mass. Osteopenia is more common in postmenopausal women and increases the risk of osteoporosis.

Salmon fish

Salmon is a fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids not only help maintain heart health, they are also important for growth and development. Some research shows that omega-3 fatty acids play a role in bone health. In addition, their deficiency can be associated with an increased risk of sleep problems in children, which has a negative impact on development.

In addition to omega-3s, salmon also contains other nutrients such as protein, B vitamins, vitamin D, selenium and potassium. Vitamin D helps bones grow and develop by increasing the absorption of calcium in the gut. Adequate intake of this vitamin prevents rickets (softening of bones).


Milk is an important component of a healthy diet. Milk is important for bone health because it contains several important nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, and helps with growth and height. In addition, it is rich in protein and in a glass (244 ml) is found about 8 grams of this nutrient.

Research shows that cow’s milk can increase growth in children and help build muscle. However, if your baby is allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, he or she should avoid it. In this case, you can use other dairy products such as yogurt or cheese, which are also good sources of calcium.

Other effective factors in increasing the height of children

Research shows that sleep deprivation can affect the growth and development of children. Paying attention to the following points shows that the child is getting enough sleep.

  • He falls asleep 10 to 15 minutes after going to bed.
  • He wakes up easily every morning at a certain time.
  • He feels completely awake and alert during the day.
  • The amount of sleep children and adolescents need depends on their age.
  • Children 4 to 12 months; 12 to 16 hours
  • Children 1 to 2 years old; 11 to 14 hours
  • Children 3 to 5 years old; 10 to 13 hours
  • Children 6 to 12 years old; 9 to 12 hours
  • Adolescents 13 to 18 years old; 8 to 10 hours

Exercise is another important factor that plays a role in growth and development and height increase. Regular physical activity such as climbing and running helps strengthen muscles and bones. It is recommended that children and adolescents 6 to 17 years old exercise at least one hour a day.

The final word

Genetics play an important role in a person’s height. When you reach puberty and your growth stops, you can not increase your height by eating certain foods. This is different in children and adolescents, and at this age nutrition plays an important role in growth and height increase.

Including healthy, nutritious foods in your diet will help children and teens grow taller, and will help adults maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis by reducing their height. Therefore, eating healthy and nutrient-rich foods is important to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

This article is for educational and informational purposes only. Be sure to consult a specialist before using the recommendations in this article.

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