How do you make a Kahoot public?

Kahoot is a great tool for creating interactive quizzes and games for students, but sometimes you may want to share your Kahoot with a wider audience. Making your Kahoot public is easy, and in this article, we will explain how to do it step by step.

Step 1: Create your Kahoot

The first step in making your Kahoot public is to create it. You can create a new Kahoot from scratch or use one of the many templates available on the platform. Make sure your Kahoot is complete and error-free before making it public.

Step 2: Preview your Kahoot

Before making your Kahoot public, it’s a good idea to preview it to make sure everything is working correctly. Click on the “Preview” button to see how your Kahoot will look to others.

Step 3: Publish your Kahoot

Once you are happy with your Kahoot, it’s time to publish it. Click on the “Publish” button, and a pop-up window will appear. Here you can choose to make your Kahoot public or private.

Step 4: Make your Kahoot public

To make your Kahoot public, select the “Public” option in the pop-up window. You can also choose to add a description and tags to help others find your Kahoot. Click on the “Publish” button, and your Kahoot will be available for anyone to play.

Step 5: Share your Kahoot

Now that your Kahoot is public, you can share it with others. You can share the link to your Kahoot on social media, email it to colleagues, or embed it on your website or blog. The more you share your Kahoot, the more people will be able to enjoy it.


Making a Kahoot public is a great way to share your knowledge and engage with a wider audience. By following these simple steps, you can create and publish your Kahoot in just a few minutes. So why not give it a try and see how many people you can reach with your interactive quiz?