Multiversus, a free-to-play game, was last month’s best-selling game

Multiversus was the best-selling game in America last month, according to NPD. You may ask how a free game has become the best-selling game, and the answer to that is the amount of sales of in-game items and content, which is calculated in the overall sales of the game. Multiversus has been so successful that it managed to beat Alden Ring to become the best-selling game of the month with in-app sales alone. All the characters in the game can be unlocked by playing for free, but the “Starter Pack” of the game, which offers players some coins and the ability to get characters and items, is very popular.

It seems like a great success for Multi Versus to beat the best-selling game of the year, Alden Ring. However, Elden Ring has always been at the top of the sales chart since its launch, which was about 6 months ago. However, Multi Versus was able to have the highest sales this month and became the best selling game of the month.

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Multi Versus is a fighting game that is very similar to Super Smash Bros. That’s why people who don’t have access to Nintendo consoles received this game well. In general, Multi Versus is an online service title and it will constantly improve.

The fact that this game is free, as well as the use of popular characters from the world of Warner Brothers, made Multi Versus download in large numbers. However, whether this game is a good title depends on your taste. The fights in it are completely different from any other fighting title. On the other hand, if you get it now, you will realize that it needs a lot of improvement.

Of course, this improvement issue will not create a special problem for Multi Versus. Because most of the problems of this game can be eliminated with only one update. Of course, we have to wait until the end of the year to find out if this success will continue or not. The success of a month is not a criterion of good performance of a game and it should continue. Of course, it seems that the manufacturer intends to strongly support this game. By doing this, it will definitely attract more audience.