pansy parkinson . Why didnt Draco Malfoy marry Pansy Parkinson?

Pansy Parkinson is a most likely Pure-Blood witch who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House.
She was not a very kind person and often teased and insulted almost anybody outside of Slytherin House.

Who did Pansy Parkinson marry?

She fawned over her fellow housemate, Draco Malfoy, was a member of his gang, and possibly developed a romantic relationship with him.
She joined the Inquisitorial Squad in her fifth year, and, in fear, tried to turn Harry Potter over to Lord Voldemort. Pansy and Draco did not continue their relationship as the latter eventually married Astoria Greengrass.

What is Pansy Parkinson personality?

Pansy was born in 1979 or 1980. She was a member of the Parkinson family and a possible descendent of Perseus Parkinson, a former Minister for Magic. Her family is listed as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

Did Malfoy marry Pansy Parkinson?

As Pansy was born after the directory was published, it is unknown if she was pure-blood herself.

Why didn’t Draco Malfoy marry Pansy Parkinson, as they were good friends at Hogwarts?

After the war Draco changed. He realized that blood power riches isn’t everything. He developed respect for life. He realized that he isn’t what his parents want him to be, he is better person than that.

But Pansy Parkinson hadn’t changed she remained that racist ignorant girl. As we say like minds attract each other, Draco was attracted to Pansy during his teenage because of their mutual hatred towards muggle and the belief of blood purity. But later on after Draco had awakening and then he was attracted to Astoria Greengrass because she didn’t hold to the belief that muggles are scum.

Does Draco Malfoy have a crush on Pansy Parkinson?

They got married. Astoria came from a family of Sacred Twenty Eight (truly pure blood), as Lucius and Narcissa wished. But later on when Astoria refused to bring up her son with belief that muggles are slum, Lucius and Narcissa were disappointed.

Though Draco approved it because he didn’t want his son to be brought up like he was, and be better person than him.

Pansy Parkinson began her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991 and was sorted into Slytherin House. She soon became good friends with fellow Slytherin boys Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini. She was also popular with the girls, possibly including Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Daphne Greengrass. Both she and Draco were like leaders amongst their friends, and used this position to bully other students.

pansy parkinson actress

Pansy is the daughter of Perseus and Daria Parkinson. She is quite spoilt like Draco, but her parents have slightly less money than the Malfoys. Pansy had always wanted to go to Hogwarts but when she found out that Harry Potter was in her Year, she had mixed feelings. Annoy him and please her parents, or make friends with him and be known throughout the school. She chose the former and made really good friends with Daphne Greengrass. She was always friends with Draco, and when he made friends with Blaise Zabini then she befriended him too.

In the books, the first time she is mentioned is in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, but only her name is said. She is also put into it when Neville and Madam Hooch go off to the Hospital Wing, she makes fun of Parvati Patil saying, “Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom? Never thought you’d like fat little crybabies, Parvati.” She is described as a hard-faced girl.

Question asked: Why didn’t Draco Malfoy marry Pansy Parkinson, as they were good friends at Hogwarts?

It’s not always necessary for good friends, or even best friends to get married.

To delve deeper, there are quite a few reasons why he married Astoria Greengrass, younger sister of his classmate Daphne Greengrass.

After the war, Draco had a sort of reawakening, and after a lot of introspection, realised that blood isn’t everything. This was a cause for uncomfortable family gatherings, as noted by J K Rowling in Pottermore. Though his parents might have preferred Pansy Parkinson, evidently she did not have the same change of heart Draco had.

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