Who was Martin Luther King and why is he still important in our time?

“Martin Luther King Jr.’s” I Have a Dream “was an invitation to racial equality in the United States. It is one of the most inspiring, influential, and popular speeches of our time. “Recent electoral constraints, especially on black and poor voters, show that Dr. King’s dream has not yet come true.”

Who was Martin Luther King?

On August 28, 1963, about 250,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in the US capital, Washington, to listen to a man named Martin Luther King, Jr., and what he said at the time is still relevant in the world today. .

Dr. King was the son of a clergyman from the state of South Georgia who wished for a better life for his children.

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Racial discrimination or inequality between whites and non-whites is still officially present in the southern states.

Blacks and whites were separated: they lived in separate areas, went to separate restaurants, drank water from separate drinking fountains, and had separate seats on buses and public transportation.

During this period, laws affected many areas of black life, causing them to receive lower wages for their work, to live in difficult conditions, and to have limited opportunities to study.

Rules for participating in elections
Because of discriminatory laws, it was difficult for black voters to select legislators to change this situation.

But if you think Dr. King’s dreams are a thing of the past, you are wrong. According to his family, the events of the past few months are a reminder that most of Dr. King’s beliefs and dreams have not yet come true.

In the same states where racial segregation once existed, Republicans enacted laws that, according to civil society activists, barred minorities, especially blacks, from exercising their rights.

These include strictly identifying and even banning food and water for those standing in long queues.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump
Following the election of Joe Biden as President in 2020, a wave of such laws was passed in 19 US states, including Florida, Texas and Arizona.

His predecessor, President Donald Trump, says Biden rigged the election, although he could not legally find any fraud that affected the outcome.

January 17, 2022 is celebrated in the United States as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. His iconic sons and daughters now call on the people not to forget their father and to follow in his footsteps, defending the rights and freedoms of blacks by voting.

Bernice King and Violent Social Change
“We cherish Luther King’s memorial and urge you to follow in his footsteps and beliefs,” said his daughter, Bernice King, director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Violent Social Change.

“If the right to vote is still suspended, we, all of us, must use together the various honors and arenas we have on this day and do what Dr. King did. My father’s speech and behavior in “It was a way for the nation to achieve the promised democracy by putting pressure on the US Legislature, and instead of eliminating the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr., they should celebrate this day and implement the 1965 Universal Voting Rights Act.”

Civil rights movement
From the point of view of El Sharpton, the prominent leader of the civil movement, this is a decisive event for American democracy.

Speaking on Tuesday, Jan. 11 in Atlanta, the birthplace of the late Martin Luther King, Jr., Biden said the issue of suffrage was “a struggle to save the American soul.” “Do you want to be on the side of Martin Luther King or George Wallace?” Biden asked, referring to Alabama’s racist governor under Luther King.

Rosa Parks
The turning point in racism came in 1955, when Rosa Parks was arrested in Alabama for refusing to give her seat to a white passenger on a bus.

“Blacks have resisted slavery, torture and all the violence that has been inflicted on them, and they will no doubt resist racism,” Katucha Bento, a professor of racial studies and decolonization at the University of Edinburgh, told the .

Prohibition of Montgomery buses

After Parks was arrested, the black community in the area decided to boycott the bus network, and this boycott continued throughout 1956. Nationwide supported the protest. When Dr. King joined the Montgomery bus embargo and campaigned in support of it, his words encouraged people to fight racism.

“The civil disobedience movement was a campaign for social justice in the 1950s and 1960s,” says Professor Bento.

The movement had various goals, organizing projects and strategic methods to promote education, access to food and raise public awareness so that it could move towards freedom and liberation.

To that end, anti-racism campaigns were part of a larger struggle to rebuild American society.

What did Martin Luther King do?

Dr. King’s remarks prompted people to fight racism, but the reaction of white, power-hungry people was vicious: they threatened the King’s family and planted bombs in their homes.

He continued the struggle in the ways he believed in: the power of words and mass mobilization. He believed in civil disobedience and avoided any violent, hateful reaction.

Professor Bento says Dr. King’s fight against violence “is often mistaken for passive acceptance” and believes that his method is by no means passive acceptance.

“Dr. King’s strategies were a revolutionary understanding of the nonviolent way of life he wanted for the United States: a free and equal society without racism,” he said.

March to Washington for work and freedom
The 1963 march to Washington for Labor and Freedom was a turning point in the civil rights movement.

Crowds gathered in the hot, summer weather of Washington DC to ask Dr. King to explain his nonviolent strategic policies and call for racial harmony.

Behind him stood the grand statue of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who promulgated the Slavery Act in 1863, and in 1964 Dr. King and the civil rights movement achieved their historic victory.

Civil Law Laws (1964)
Civil law laws formally ended racial discrimination in public places and banned discrimination in the workplace.

But the struggle was not over, as the enemies of racial equality continued to use cunning methods to perpetuate racist policies.

Selma marches to Montgomery

Laws across southern US states continue to make it harder for black voters to register to vote.

In 1965, Dr. King launched his historic march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, the state capital, to protest such laws.

Demonstrators encountered violence from local officials and plainclothes groups as they crossed the 87-kilometer highway. However, Dr. King adhered to the principle of nonviolent protest.

How did Martin Luther King die?

He was arrested and imprisoned 29 times. On April 4, 1968, he was standing on the balcony of a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee when he was shot by a white gunman.

His assassination of Dr. King’s role in history and his influence on contemporary movements for the struggle for racial equality is no small feat.

His role today
A wide range of civic movements have followed in Dr. King’s footsteps.

“Contemporary anti-racist movements fighting for social justice are all his heirs,” says Professor Bento.

“Peaceful protests are aimed not only at voting injustices, but also at other fundamental social and economic issues that threaten democracy and, perhaps, humanity,” Bernis said.

“Adequate wages, adequate housing, health and quality education are all goals of the civil rights movement,” he added.

What are the reasons for freedom of expression?

The speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. are one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring speeches of our time.

His persistence in speaking of equality in spite of all the dangers that threatened him is considered by many historians to be one of the symbols of democracy in the United States and the right to freedom of expression.

Black life is important
The Black Lives Movement is Important In recent years, there has been a debate about institutionalized racism, and in particular police violence.

Bernice King says she is working to expand the campaign beyond the United States to become a global, comprehensive, and strategic endeavor to eradicate what my father calls the triple evil of racism, extremist materialism, and militarism and to build an ideal society.

Why is January 17 Martin Luther King Day?

Each year, his brilliant speaking skills and “dream” power are celebrated on the closest Monday to his birthday, January 15, 1929.

But even setting a date for him shows how much controversy there has been about it, and it continues.

Although the date was proposed only a few days after Dr. King’s death, it took years for the US Congress to overcome its resistance to honoring the symbol of the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King’s Day was first celebrated in 1986.

And it will take years for this day to be celebrated in the southern states, and that in itself shows the gap in American society.

Why is January 17 Martin Luther King Day?

Each year, his brilliant speaking skills and “dream” power are celebrated on the closest Monday to his birthday, January 15, 1929.