satya nadella daughters and net worth , Was Satya Nadella from rich family?

Being the third CEO in the history of Microsoft is stressful in itself, let alone taking the company behind its competitors and downhill. It is said that the Indians do not have a fighting temperament due to the teachings of the Buddha, but this Indian, with all his courage, confronted his rivals and did not intend to retreat. “Satya Narayana Nadella” was no stranger to the company’s workspace when she was elected CEO of Microsoft ; He has been working for this company for more than 22 years. Perhaps this long history has made him the best choice for the seats of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer . Join Digikala Mag with Satya Nadella’s biography.

Satya Nadella’s youth and education

Nadella was born in 1967 in Hyderabad, India. He completed his secondary and university education in his hometown in the field of electrical engineering. But he went to the United States to continue his education and received his master’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin .

Of course, he later received an MBA from the University of Chicago Business School to pursue all the requirements for a college education.

As he said, he seems to have been interested in computers and related sciences from the beginning, but since the university where he studied in India did not offer this field, he had to choose the nearest field (electrical engineering).

It is safe to say that education has played an important role in Nadella’s progress. “When I enrolled for the MBA, I was working in another state, and I had to fly back and forth every week to attend class,” he says.

Aside from the easy transportation facilities provided by the host country, his commitment to acquiring knowledge in difficult circumstances is truly commendable.

“I’m always learning,” says Nadella. Many times I enroll in an online class completely online to learn new things. Sometimes I ask myself why? But this is my essence. “I love learning.”

Professional life

He was first hired by Sun Microsystems . He later left for Microsoft in 1992. He also received his MBA‌ master’s degree at the same time.

Microsoft was working on Windows NT at the time and needed someone to master UNIX and the 32-bit operating system.

During these years, he worked in various fields. Prior to becoming CEO, he was in charge of Microsoft Cloud Services. This slow, steady progress has made him a capable and experienced manager who, unlike his predecessor, Steve Ballmer, makes fewer noisy and thoughtless moves.

personal life

A similar pattern prevails in Satya Nadella’s personal life. The same year he moved to Microsoft, he married the daughter of a friend of his father. They have two daughters and a son.

Satya’s great interest in poetry should be sought in her gentle oriental spirit. Comparing poetry to computer code, he said somewhere: “With poetry, you can bring a subject that requires a lot of sentences and pages to explain in a few verses and convey all the emotions at the same time. “Indeed, poetry is the best code.”

Since he loved cricket since he was a child, he still does not miss watching matches in his spare time. After all, he is an Indian and their national cricket is not for nothing.

It is interesting to know that Nadella is one of the major shareholders in addition to working for Microsoft. He is estimated to have raised about $ 320 million by the end of 2019.

Although this amount is not significant compared to the assets of the Silicon Valley greats, it should be borne in mind that Nadella earned all of this capital only through an employee and never started a specific business.

last word

Undoubtedly, Satya Nadella’s presence at Microsoft has been fruitful, at least so far, and she has been able to steer the company’s storm-tossed ship well. Of course, much more is expected of someone who says, ” Our industry does not respect tradition, it only succumbs to innovation. “

Over the years, Nadella has worked hard to build better relationships with users and work on making Microsoft a little more likable; For example, he has reached out to the open source world , developing Windows with users, and doing many other things.

In some places, such as Windows 10 Mobile, its goals have not been achieved, but it has clearly been able to set a new direction for Microsoft, and this is the most important issue for shareholders. ‌‌ ‌‌

what is your opinion; Do you consider Nadella successful in his work so far, or do you think that whatever it is, it is the result of the efforts of former managers, and it is not possible to give him any special privileges at the moment?

Satya Nadella on social media

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