Familiarity with the index of fear and greed and its application in digital currency transactions

The Fear and Greed Index is used to measure investors’ feelings about markets. This index can be used to determine whether markets are bullish or bearish and is based on two opposing senses; Fear and greed are created. Bitcoin or gold? Which has a better future to invest in? Fear and greed is an indicator first introduced… Continue reading Familiarity with the index of fear and greed and its application in digital currency transactions

Bitcoin or gold? Which has a better future to invest in?

Buy Bitcoin or Gold is a question that has occupied the minds of many these days. As inflationary pressures mount in the economy, investors are worried about the devaluation of money . Traditionally, keeping gold in a portfolio seems like a viable option in such circumstances. But the cryptocurrency market has been hot for several years, and digital currencies have become very popular… Continue reading Bitcoin or gold? Which has a better future to invest in?