What are the symptoms of OMICRON and how is it diagnosed?

FAMILIARITY WITH AMICRON SYMPTOMS As Omicron SARS-CoV-2 infections – the virus that causes COVID-19 – spread around the world, there have been reports that the symptoms differ in some ways from those of delta-type infections. has it. Are the symptoms really different? What should be considered? WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF AMICRON? All data and statistics are… Continue reading What are the symptoms of OMICRON and how is it diagnosed?

Trance test for men and women

Transgender people are people who do not feel emotionally compatible with the sexual identity attributed to them at birth and cannot imagine themselves in that gender context.  Sexual dysphoria means a feeling of emotional turmoil caused by a mismatch between a person’s sexual identity and the attributed sexual identity (the gender attributed to him or… Continue reading Trance test for men and women

Ibuprofen use and its side effects and contraindications

Specifications of ibuprofen Drug name: Ibuprofen Latin name: ibuprofen • Brand: Gelofen, Advil, Brofen, Motrin and Neurofen Drug category: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug • Medication forms: tablets • Sale of medicine: without a prescription and with a prescriptionUses of ibuprofen Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain caused by various conditions such as headache, toothache, menstrual cramps,… Continue reading Ibuprofen use and its side effects and contraindications


THE BEST FOOD FOR PATIENTS WITH Omicron The number of people with Omicron has increased a lot these days. But what foods should we eat when we have Omicron so that our body does not become weak? Here are the best foods for patients with Omicron. Does Everyone Get Omicron? For several weeks now, the number of people… Continue reading SUITABLE FOOD FOR PATIENTS WITH Omicron

Is it safe to use baby powder for babies?

Mother preparing baby powder in her hand and 2 months old baby boy on bed.

DANGEROUS EFFECTS OF BABY POWDER AND A SUITABLE ALTERNATIVE TO IT One way to dry a baby’s skin to prevent diaper rash is to powder the baby ‘s body. Baby powder contains a mineral called talc. Talc is the softest mineral that has a high moisture absorption property. This type of powder contains fine particles that enter the baby’s respiratory… Continue reading Is it safe to use baby powder for babies?

What is an allergic cough and how is it different from asthma, colds and coronary heart disease?

An allergy or allergy can lead to a chronic cough called an allergic cough. If you are sensitive to certain substances, you may cough constantly. People who are sensitive to dust, pet dander, plant pollen, mold, or other common allergens are more likely to have a cough due to allergies. Allergic reactions cause itchy throat and cough by… Continue reading What is an allergic cough and how is it different from asthma, colds and coronary heart disease?

Perform Covid-19 test with a mobile phone camera!

Although Covid-19 instant home tests are effective, what if we could test the corona whenever we wanted with our cell phone camera? Scientists have developed a Covid-19 test that requires only a handful of cost-effective laboratory equipment and a smart phone, and preliminary results show that the test is as large as the “polymerase chain… Continue reading Perform Covid-19 test with a mobile phone camera!

Never use these methods to manage anger

If you take the wrong approach to managing your anger, you may be in big trouble. Anger and rage do not go away on their own when they are created. There is no magic way to deal with it. In fact, when anger strikes you, it is very important that you be able to express… Continue reading Never use these methods to manage anger

12 signs that someone really loves you

There are many signs of true love and sometimes it may even confuse you, but true love shows itself well over time and gives you a sense of security, peace and happiness. You are likely to be in an emotional relationship but not sure that the other person really loves you or is pursuing another… Continue reading 12 signs that someone really loves you

Approval of Paxlovid Corona tablets in the European Union

EU drug regulators have announced the approval of Paxlovid corona tablets for high-risk adults. EU drug regulators yesterday (Thursday) approved the use of Pfizer’s anti-viral pill called Paxlovid to treat Covid-19. The European Pharmacopoeia Agency said in a statement that Paxlovid tablets are recommended for adults who do not need oxygen and are at risk… Continue reading Approval of Paxlovid Corona tablets in the European Union

Allergies compounds in cosmetics

Cosmetics (such as soaps, detergents, lotions and creams, eye and face cosmetics, perfumes, etc.) can cause Allergic reactions and allergies in some people. Many people suffer from allergies, and anyone, at any age, can develop allergies. Allergic reactions are overreactions of the immune system to substances and compounds that are harmless and safe if not… Continue reading Allergies compounds in cosmetics

Eating carrots or carrot juice in pregnancy: which is better and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Is carrot and carrot juice good or bad during pregnancy? Eating carrots or carrot juice in pregnancy, if it is balanced and balanced, is not only not harmful but also useful for maintaining the health of the mother and better fetal growth, but you should be aware that excessive consumption, such as drinking a glass… Continue reading Eating carrots or carrot juice in pregnancy: which is better and what are the advantages and disadvantages?